Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Fountain Springs Loop - Part 1 Rosebud and Bulonga {Mount Isa}

Ballara Mining Heritage Trail (aka The Fountain Springs Loop) Halfway between Cloncurry and Mount Isa

If you are travelling between Mount Isa and Cloncurry along "The Overlander's Way" (Barkly Highway); you come to the Fountain Springs Rest Area.  Here you can stop for a short toilet break and stretch your legs, or - if you are equipped to do so, you can stay the night before continuing your journey.

This rest area is also across the road from the entry to one of the best 4 wheel drive tracks open to the public in the Mount Isa region.

The Fountain Springs Loop, also known as The Ballara Mining Heritage Trail, is located on Private Property, and as such as NO ENTRY signs should be adhered to.  Also, leave any and all gates as you find them, beware of stock on the track and most importantly TAKE YOUR RUBBISH with you.

WARNING:  During the Wet Season (or periods of rain) the road can be impassable.  The track is not recommended for caravans at any time.

Fountain Springs Rest Area.

The toilet block at Fountain Springs Rest Area

Plenty of room for campervan or caravans to stay the night

Informative sign at the Fountain Springs Rest Area relating to the Ballara Heritage Trail (aka Fountain Springs Loop)
To read the detail on the sign please "click" the image to enlarge it

Bulonga Townsite and Rosebud Mine

Your first stop along the trail will be the old mine & town site of Bulonga and Rosebud Mine.  Although there is not alot to see, the area is well signposted to give you a great idea of what it was like during the period of 1910 - 1917 when the town and mine were in operation.

During this time, Bulonga had a Hotel, Store and Bakery.

From the top, you have a fantastic view of the ranges, and from the slag heap you can see a beautiful waterhole, that is a fabulous spot during the wet season.

The entrance to the Ballara Heritage Trail

Some information on the Bulonga town and Rosebud Mine
To read the detail on the sign please "click" the image to enlarge it
A more detailed section of the map.  Some of the concrete slabs of the properties are still visible.

Please be careful with small children and pets as there are shafts and large holes all over the area.

A tunnel that was used for ....... something!

The remnants of one of the buildings of Bulonga

A quiet waterhole visible from the slag heap

The view of Corella River from the slag heap

Drive to the road condtions

Rosebud Dam (beneath Bulonga and across the Corella River)

The Rosebud Dam/Weir was built in 1914 to stop the deluge of water into the Rosebud mine during the Wet Season, but also to try to contain the water for the Bulonga Townsite.  Here you will find a wonderful spot to camp or picnic.  There is generally plenty of grass, and for the most part the water is lovely (during the very dry times of drought years, the water can be a bit ...... yucky!)

You will also find from time to time, some 'residents' who should be respected, and a wide berth is suggested.

A local Rosebud Dam resident

Taken during a period of drought ( 2011) - the level of the Corella River is quite low

The dam wall is quite visible during 2011

During 2011 - the water level was so low - we were able to cross to the other side of the Corella River
using the dam wall as a path

With drought comes fires - with plenty of bush to burn, these fires
can burn for many weeks at a time

Fire on the other side of the Corella River.

A bird at the Corella Dam.
(Sorry Twitchers - I have no idea what sort of bird it is - only that it is a pretty one)

More local residents.  This view is looking to dam wall from the overflow area (2014)

Just a gentle trickle into the overflow area during December 2014

The overflow area (dam wall can be seen to the left) December 2014

A beautiful vein of pink quartz (I think) in the overflow area. December 2014

FINALLY!! Some rain, during March 2016.  The water level is high and the overflow area is filling up

Overflow area AND some lovely greenery.

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